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Garmin Charge power pack / battery pack - NEW -

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You can also charge on the go by connecting the Garmin Charge power pack to any compatible fitness device with an additional cable — including wearables and other cycling computers. Just connect the power pack with a USB charging cable² so you can stay in the action and get the most out of your activities.

Edge 1030 bike mount (010-12563-00) sold separately or included with the purchase of Edge 1030.

Wearables with wrist-based heart rate that use a plug-based charger cannot be worn while charging. To use the Garmin Charge power pack with another Edge device you'll need the Cycling Combo Mount (010-12563-00) and Battery Pack USB cable (010-12562-01).


Compatible Devices:

Edge 1030/1000/820/Explore 820/520

Forerunner 645/645 Musik/935

Browse these categories as well: Elektronics, Halterungen